Sacred moon circle

with Suey Mendez & Lisa Pearl

“Let the waters settle and you will see the moon and the stars mirrored in your being.”
— Rumi

rituals, meditation, and honoring lunar energy

Full Moons are a time for releasing and relinquishing. New moons are a time for setting intentions and goals to manifest.

Both are a time to connect with our true Divine Feminine energy (intuitive, grounded, emotional, vulnerable, compassionate, creative) in sacred community and a safe space.

Join Suey & Lisa for their twice a month Sacred Moon Circle, where together you tap into astrological energies and frequencies. Hear the astrology for that lunation and for each zodiac sign, channeled through the magic of the Akashic Records and/or a powerful tool of divination like The Tarot, Crystal readings, oracle readings and more!

On February 12th our Sacred Circle for the Full Moon in Leo. This week's Leo Full Moon brings an energetic spotlight on creativity, self-expression, and personal confidence. Leo loves to be seen and heard and this Sacred Moon Circle we will get into the practice of being present in our bodies and learning to love every piece of it! As the Moon illuminates Leo’s fiery and bold energy, we will take time to reflect on your passions, desires, and how we present ourselves to the world. It’s also a great time to let go of any fears around self-worth and embrace the idea of loving yourself fully. This full moon encourages you to shine bright and embrace your individuality with pride, so we’ll be incorporating a somatic movement practice to this moon circle.

On March 2nd, we’ll be tapping into the energy of the New Moon in Pisces. This moon invites deep introspection, intuition, and emotional healing. Pisces, known for its dreamy and compassionate nature, brings a powerful energy for setting intentions around spirituality, creativity, and letting go of past emotional burdens. It’s a time to tap into your inner world, trust your intuition, and embrace the unknown with faith. Join us for a powerful water ritual, allowing the energies of dreamy, watery Pisces to help manifest our intentions!

Finally, relax into a reiki healing sound bath as Suey, Lisa, & Mark take you on a journey through sound, allowing you space and time to integrate the messages and experiences of the evening.

We’ll see you there!

*We provide mats, blankets, and eye pillows.
*Bring a journal and waterWear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.


Suey “Zee” Mendez is a clauraudient healer & teacher of the healing arts who began to notice their spiritual gifts during their pregnancy with their youngest child. Beginning to get in tune with energy, Suey soon began to receive clear and direct messages from the spiritual realm. They find themselves lucky and blessed to be able to channel those high vibrational divine frequency to help facilitate healing on all levels.

*Click the picture of Suey to learn more about them and follow them on Instagram

Lisa has been studying and practicing healing modalities for over 15 years. She has worked with many gifted healing practitioners for even longer who have helped her on her own healing journey.

Lisa's purpose, skills, and talents are to help others facilitate their own’s body healing; it’s inherent ability to orient towards health. Through various alternative treatments and approaches, Lisa helps unlock the potential of self-healing in each person, sometimes resulting in improvements from the first session. Lisa reminds you to trust your ability to heal, and allow yourself to feel better than you ever imagined possible.

*Learn more about Lisa and her work click on her photo to follow on IG!