dancing to heal
with Suey “Zee” mendez
“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask, ‘When did you stop dancing?’”
~Gabrielle Roth
let go to feel life’s the flow
Did y0u know that the body remembers and traps in its cells every single pain, trauma, anxiety, fear, joy, and stressor in your LIFETIME!?!
Did you know that somatic healing (unconscious body-based therapy to help you heal on a cellular level) can release that dis-ease from your body!?
For centuries, healers and shamans have used dance to remove stagnation, revitalize the spirit, and release any pain and suffering creating an inability to MOVE physically, emotionally or spiritually. Can you imagine reconnecting, reclaiming, recalibrating YOUR body alongside other brave folx, simply by allowing the body to fully move THROUGH emotions?
Join Suey for a monthly, hour-long group where they will assist in helping you creatively engage with emotional, physical and cognitive processes through dance, somatic and sacred movement. Take time out to allow yourself to safely explore and express what you may not be able to fully put into words so that you can begin to create an increased sense of safety within your own body in a safe, judgement free, loving and affirming environment.
*No dance experience is needed!
*Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
*This practice is done BAREFOOT
*This is an ALCOHOL & DRUG FREE event. Plant medicine used safely and intentionally is okay.
Suey “Zee” Mendez
Suey “Zee” Mendez is a clauraudient healer & teacher of the healing arts who began to notice their spiritual gifts during their pregnancy with their youngest child. Beginning to get in tune with energy, Suey soon began to receive clear and direct messages from the spiritual realm. They find themselves lucky and blessed to be able to channel those high vibrational divine frequency to help facilitate healing on all levels.
*Click the picture of Suey to learn more about them and follow them on Instagram